Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Anderson Cooper talks tea-bagging

No description needed, AC says it all!

YouTube Symphony Orchestra

96 musicians selected from over 9,000 audition videos originating from 30 different countries = revolutionary new way to conduct auditions

Mirror's Edge fan makes Live Action stunt video

Fan trailer (or viral video from EA?):

Original "Mirror's Edge" trailer:

Trash House: Mojave Desert Artist

Trash artist, Robert Polumbo, renovated his Mojave Desert house with rocks and steel and filled it with what he calls “obtainium,” from junk shops and Dumpsters, eBay and swap meets

Helen Levitt’s New York Street Photography

A retrospective look at the late Helen Levitt's photography, which was featured in Paris at the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation last year

Dork Yearbook - flash back to the past - sweet new blog that pays homage to everything Dork!

The World of 100 (infographics)

Awesome infographics project that breaks down confusing characteristics of the human population, by normalizing it to a village the size of only 100 people. Aims to bring a tangible understanding about our cooky make-up, which is all but lost when we try to picture ourselves in the billions